Category Archives: War On Coal

The United States Government War on Coal


Global Warming – Hoax or Scam?

Hoax – to trick into believing or accepting as genuine something false and often preposterous

Scam – a fraudulent or deceptive act or operation

Which would be the better word in describing this political movement of man caused global warming?  It would appear that both words are operative, although hoax seems to capture it a bit better.

The proper term for “global warming” is “anthropogenic global warming” (APGW) or as some warmers have attempted to cover all their bases, anthropogenic climate change (APCC) (aka B.S.).  “Anthropogenic” means “of, relating to, or resulting from the influence of human beings on nature.”  I will use the simple term “global warming” to mean, in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol, that Global Warming exists- temperatures are rising and that this rise in temperature is being cause by mankind’s liberation of Carbon Dioxide.

What at first, back in the 1980’s, seemed just like another laughable liberal scam to scare as many people as possible that few would embrace as true has now become the most important “cause” of the democrat party and western liberals in general.  By the constant torrent of lies and deceptions liberals have, over the past 30 years, managed to manipulate the minds of a great number of citizens living in the west.  The scam or hoax is almost strictly a western phenomenon as non-democratic nations, whose scientists and leaders know better, see no benefit to advancing the hoax other than to the extent it will damage the highly advanced western nations, especially the United States and inducing the western nations to “pony up” and pay them “climate reparations” in the form of billions of our tax dollars.

Last fall, Vladimir Putin stated the global warming movement was a “fraud”.  After having Russian scientists undertake an extensive study, reviewing the data and considering the positions from all sides, they concluded that “we found that, while climate change does exist, it is cyclical, and the anthropogenic role is very limited, it became clear that the climate is a complicated system and that, so far, the evidence presented for the need to ‘fight’ global warming was rather unfounded.”

I’ll admit that a nation very dependent on its abundant fossil fuels for its economy as well as its own energy needs may be very biased but nevertheless, their conclusions shouldn’t be dismissed.  Sure, Russia has a bias against the proposition, but our liberals certainly have more than a bias in favor of it.  Bias one way or another really has nothing to do with facts as derived by the scientific method.

The Chinese unofficially believe it is a plot to constrain developing countries especially itself.   China occasionally plays along because it is the world’s biggest provider of solar panels and other green technology components and as it sees itself as the world’s major competitor of the United States is more than willing to see the U.S. adopt an economy killing green agenda.   However, it has been China who largely has saved the world from western liberals’ attempt to enact United Nation’s agreements to mandate carbon dioxide reductions.

The Chinese call these nefarious endeavors the “carbon plot”.  China appears to have adopted the attitude that “if we give them enough rope they will hang themselves”.  Play along, humor the western liberal fools but all the while keep building up the Chinese economy by what truly works in the real world.  Putting a new coal fired electric power generating plant on line every week, China has no intention of destroying itself by actually participating in the west’s suicide pacts.  The Chinese are not a stupid people and may well have Sun Tsu’s observation in mind when considering the western liberals’ love affair with climate alarmism,

The opportunity to secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.

When I use the term “global warming” here, I will mean man-caused global warming.  What the warmists mean is that mankind is dangerously warming the planet and unless stopped now it will be too late.  Of course, “now” changes year by year as we’ve already passed numerous dates when we were already supposed to have nearly destroyed ourselves.

Just over the past 20 years or so we’ve passed their dates of no more snow in the United States and Europe, many island nations were supposed to be underwater creating tens of millions of “climate refugees”, the Arctic icecap was supposed to be gone, polar bears drowned and near extinct, large and powerful hurricanes were to be rocking the U.S. mainland every year, rampant tornadic activity sweeping countless Americans to the land of Oz and many more nearly too numerous to count.  We just did pass Algore’s last deadline and the world continues pretty much as it always has.

The United Nations predicted in 1989 that by the year 2000 nations would be destroyed by rising oceans, crop failures and climate refugees would cause political chaos.  Needless to say, that didn’t occur.  Rather than reconsidering the models and their ability to predict the future, they decided that if at first you don’t succeed in scaring the world into submission, then try and try again.  In 2005 UNEP (United Nations Environmental Program) claimed that in just five years, by 2010, tens of millions of climate refugees would again be created by rising oceans and extreme disruptions to weather patterns.  Again, another failed attempt to herd the human population onto the UN plantation.

Our own Pentagon decided to jump on the warming bandwagon in 2003, with their own prophecies relying on the consensus of scientists, determined that within ten years, 2013 that the earth would resemble the setting of the Mad Max movie.  In the year 2000, a British climate scientist at the Climate Research Unit (CRU) proclaimed that snow would become exceeding rare in Great Britain, a “thing of the past”.  Since then Great Britain has been pounded with snow and cold.  Hundreds of its citizens have frozen to death as windmills and government mandated “green” home heating systems fail to work in extreme cold.

There are hundreds of these failed pronouncements of impending doom, but we’ll stop with these few comments and cover their utter failures in subsequent writings.

Since it takes little to convince liberal cult members that the United States is destroying the planet, to them it’s a given, warmers hatched a couple of wild hypotheses to explain the hiatus of rising temperatures.  One entertaining one was that all of the heat that was supposed to cause temperature rise that we weren’t seeing was actually trapped somewhere in a layer of the ocean.  No one could find this fugitive heat, but it just had to be there, they reasoned.  This and some other notions paved the way to get us back to “global warming”.  They had spent nearly three decades drumming into peoples’ heads that the globe was warming and it stuck, people were just laughing at them for trying to renege on their warming, there was just no way to gracefully back out, in for a penny in for a pound.

Climate alarmism is nothing new, but actually quite old and “Science” and the media have an atrocious record when it comes to climate scares.

1895 – The world is freezing, cooling

1902 – Glaciers are disappearing, warming

1912-1924  A new ice age is upon us, cooling

1929 – The earth is warming

1932 – teetering again on an ice age, cooling

1933 -1954  Earth in long term warming trend.  1938 also saw the development of the hypothesis that man is causing it by releasing Carbon Dioxide.

The 1930’s did see multiple heat records set in the age of scientific instrumentation, heat that we haven’t seen since (although warmers claim otherwise).

1954 – Cooling is back

1959-1969 – Warming is back

1970 – 1976 – significant cooling and the first serious discussion of government action to control climate.

1981 – massive global warming according to the warmers

Since 1981, the warmers and their politicians have, by and large, hawked the global warming hoax.  No warming has occurred since about 1998 according to the incredibly reliable satellite temperature measurements.  For a brief time from about 2010 to 2014 the warmers in fear of being totally discredited switched to a more generic term of “climate change” with various adverse weather events such as hurricanes, blizzards, localized heat waves, etc as “proof” that Carbon Dioxide was wrecking the planet’s climate.

The biblical definition of a true prophet is that the prophet must always be right.  By definition, a scientific “fact” must always prove to be true when put to the test.  What do we make of these soothsayers who are always wrong?

How does one, especially a lay person, go about evaluating the two sides of the global warming debate?  When “science”, at least publicly, has been coopted almost in its entirety by a political party and worldwide socialist movement, that should be a red flag.  But just because democrats/liberals have totally embraced the proposition that man, especially the United States, is destroying the planet, in itself is not proof that the science isn’t correct. (Although it is usually a pretty safe bet that anything democrats/liberals support is most assuredly wrong.)

However, just because a number of “scientists”, politicians and the media pronounce that the “science is settled” doesn’t mean it is actually settled, but merely so in their minds especially when we consider the great number of accomplished scientists who totally disagree with the claims of the warmers.  The warmers claim that global warming is settled science, that there is a scientific consensus that GW is true.  However, famed author Michael Crighton (Jurassic Park, The Andromeda Strain, the television show – ER), a Harvard Medical School graduate, lambasted the warmers consensus screed thusly –

 “…I want to pause here and talk about this notion of consensus, and the rise of what has been called consensus science. I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.

“Let’s be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus.

“There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period…”

 “… Finally, I would remind you to notice where the claim of consensus is invoked. Consensus is invoked only in situations where the science is not solid enough. Nobody says the consensus of scientists agrees that E = mc². Nobody says the consensus is that the sun is 93 million miles away. It would never occur to anyone to speak that way…”

“As the twentieth century drew to a close, the connection between hard scientific fact and public policy became increasingly elastic. In part this was possible because of the complacency of the scientific profession; in part because of the lack of good science education among the public; in part, because of the rise of specialized advocacy groups which have been enormously effective in getting publicity and shaping policy; and in great part because of the decline of the media as an independent assessor of fact. The deterioration of the American media is a dire loss for our country. When distinguished institutions like the New York Times can no longer differentiate between factual content and editorial opinion, but rather mix both freely on their front page, then who will hold anyone to a higher standard?

“And so, in this elastic anything-goes world where science—or non-science—is the handmaiden of questionable public policy, we arrive at last at global warming. It is not my purpose here to rehash the details of this most magnificent of the demons haunting the world. I would just remind you of the now-familiar pattern by which these things are established. Evidentiary uncertainties are glossed over in the unseemly rush for an overarching policy, and for grants to support the policy by delivering findings that are desired by the patron. Next, the isolation of those scientists who won’t get with the program, and the characterization of those scientists as outsiders and “skeptics” in quotation marks—suspect individuals with suspect motives, industry flunkies, reactionaries, or simply anti-environmental nutcases. In short order, debate ends, even though prominent scientists are uncomfortable about how things are being done.”

Liberalism always leads to the loss of liberty and vastly increases government control over our lives.  How could one even argue that point.  Liberals love big government and what is big government?  Big Government is government that grows in power due to laws and regulations that worm their way into every facet of our lives.  What do laws and regulations do?  They constrain our behavior, i.e. infringe on our liberties.  Members of the liberal/progressive movement over the past century have been attracted to Josef Stalin, Chairman Mao and communism, Benito Mussolini, North Vietnam, the Soviet Union and now have cozied up to islam.

Yet we see virtually no liberal ever live their own personal life as a communist, we see none living their lives as socialists, we see none living their lives as muslims.  So what’s going on?  What is it about these anti-American, anti-God philosophies that attract liberals to them?  One word – POWER.  Liberals are nothing more than “warped, frustrated” men and women who can’t convince their countrymen that liberalism is good and beneficial, that an enlightened and qualified few should govern the masses.  No liberal respects the U.S. Constitution and American ideals, they work tirelessly to subvert them.

Their only real goal is to attain power, to create a nation where the enlightened govern the proles.  Obama called us little people, typical traditional Americans, “bitter clingers to guns and religion”.  What was he saying?  In effect, those who cling to guns and religion cling to the Constitution and God.  Both are enemies of the liberal, enemies of The State.  Liberals elevate The State above all else, they are secular humanists in every sense of the word.  They are convinced they can create the perfect society.

Liberals are much more interested in the acquisition of power than the actual betterment of mankind.  In fact, liberals see a world that is over populated and consider about 6 billion of the world’s near 8 billion inhabitants as superfluous.  Somehow I doubt that I and likeminded others who value liberty, prosperity and religious values make that shortened list worthy of survival in their liberal world.

Liberals are totalitarians, let’s look at a definition for totalitarianism as we find on Wikipedia-

“Totalitarianism is a political system where the state recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible.  Totalitarian regimes stay in political power through an all-encompassing propaganda campaign, which is disseminated through the state-controlled mass media, a single party that is often marked by political repression, personality cultism, control over the economy, regulation and restriction of speech, mass surveillance, and widespread use of terror.”

We see democrat fingerprints on every single one of these characteristics of a totalitarian.  The democrats recognize no limit to government authority.  Name one.  Perhaps you would name the last three, restriction of speech, mass surveillance and use of terror as things liberals don’t embrace or espouse but you would be wrong, of course.  Liberals are already calling for the prosecution of those who speak out against the global warming scam.   “Inside Climate News” reported just last week that –

“The U.S. Justice Department has forwarded a request from two congressmen seeking a federal probe of ExxonMobil to the FBI’s criminal division.

U.S. Representatives Ted Lieu and Mark DeSaulnier sought the probe last year to determine whether the oil giant violated federal laws by “failing to disclose truthful information” about climate change…”

Recently at a Senate Judiciary hearing AG Loretta Lynch was asked about investigating “climate deniers”, her response –

“This matter has been discussed. We have received information about it and have referred it to the FBI to consider whether or not it meets the criteria for which we could take action on,” Lynch answered. “I’m not aware of a civil referral at this time.”

We ignore or laugh at these forces of evil inside our country, but we should take them seriously because they are deadly serious about this power play.  Liberals have put a lot of marbles in play to push this scam and topple our nation.  Control its energy use, control just about every aspect of our modern lives.  There is a real cost to be paid for standing for truth and integrity in our nation today.

Try standing up for moral and Christian values in our universities, the breeding ground for the liberal intelligentsia, and see how far you get.  Mass surveillance is somewhat neutral, or may depend on what you exactly mean by that.  Already security cameras are ubiquitous in cites and many homes and actually can and do serve a valuable service considering the lawless society liberalism has already created in America.  The NSA spies on citizens, but considering who we have foolishly allowed inside our country, that perhaps is not an altogether bad thing.  Give liberals time and opportunity and “use of terror” will only intensify and become more widespread.

Terror can come in many forms, it doesn’t have to mean being burned alive in a cage.  It can mean being unjustly prosecuted by a legal system coopted by liberals to instill fear and set examples of what can happen to a hapless citizen on the wrong side of the prevailing zeitgeist.  Ask Scooter Libby, Ted Stevens of Alaska (well, too late, he’s dead), Tom Delay, Rick Perry and the concerned citizens who uncovered the depravity and criminality of Planned Parenthood.  Ask all of the honest scientists who got fired, demoted or unfunded for standing up against the global warming crowd.  Ask all of the decent students in our education system who have morals and values.  Before terror in America becomes physical it will run its course of destroying lives and reputations through injustice, coercion, intimidation, marginalization and reprisals.  Ask the thousands of our nation’s coal miners who are seeing their industry destroyed and their livelihoods taken from them and in the name of “saving the planet” from this imaginary threat.

In order for liberalism to ultimately prevail, it must stamp out independent and logical thought.  The citizen must be conditioned to accept The State as all-powerful and beneficial and any resistance to it criminalized.  Liberalism must stamp out competing ideologies, especially Christianity, and it must stamp out history and historical symbols that remind us of our origins as a nation.  Our universities are already nothing but hot-beds of anti-traditionalism as we’ve been made keenly aware of over the past year.

Liberalism is in the process of a nihilistic deconstruction of America, to grind it to dust.  If it has forced the removal of the confederate flag, removal of confederate related names of schools and other public things, a serious discussion of blasting away the confederate Stone Mountain monument in Georgia, how long will it be for cries to remove the Washington Monument, Mt. Vernon and Montecello as monuments to slave owners?  How long before the constitution itself is deemed appropriate for the fire as nothing more than a document supporting slavery?  When was the last time you heard a democrat mention a founding father with respect?

Do democrats speak of their support for the radical leftist group Black Lives Matter because they really give a damn about blacks or do they support this group and others like them because they are valuable tools in increasing the racial divide in our country?  Democrats don’t know much about science, but they do know about raw political power, how to obtain it and how to wield it.  At home and in control of the democrat party are our “domestic enemies” that our founders warned of and attempted to safeguard against by the constraints imposed on government by the constitution.

If we can hang on long enough and stop electing democrats to office immediately, we may be able to turn the tide.  One critical component of rescuing America from its clutches is to rightly discredit the global warming scam.  For now the earth itself is cooperating by not warming as it “should” according to the warmists and virtually all of their scary predictions of gloom and doom fail to materialize.  However, never take anything for granted because democrats never sleep.  Like termites eating their way through the structural beams of a house, our political and cultural “termites” are busy 24/7 chewing and clawing their way through the traditions and institution of our once great nation, leaving death, destruction and enslavement in their wake.

The United States Government War on Coal -11 Nov 15

Any right thinking, logical and rational American knows that our government at the moment is controlled by radical leftists.  A government headed by an anti-American hack who was an accomplished street hustler, but as president, not so much.  The danger he and his administration and the entire democrat party, for that matter, pose to our nation is grave.  Whether we will survive intact as the nation resembling America as we have known it is in serious doubt.

Much of this site will deal with the global warming scam and plot that socialists in Western countries have adopted to be their means to near total control over our lives.  While the nation is up in arms about the rogue and radical Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with its assault on all Americans and on all reliable energy sources, beneath the national radar is another Agency that is steadfastly working to cripple coal and now the Federal Government has ratcheted up its assault on coal through its Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA).

MSHA created by congress to administer the provision of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977, enforcing federal mining laws in our nation’s coal and mineral mines and facilities.

Apparently, the Government believing that rank and file MSHA mine inspectors have not pounded on the coal mines enough, haven’t shut enough of them down, haven’t collected enough hundreds of millions of dollars in penalties so it has begun engaging in a despicable program of propagandizing it’s inspectors.

MSHA, like other federal and state agencies and various corporations and organizations has it’s own intranet.  “An intranet is a private network, accessible only to an organization’s staff.  Generally a wide range of information and services from the organization’s internal IT systems are available that would not be available to the public from the internet.”  (Wikipedia)  All MSHA mine inspectors have computers and the MSHA Intranet is there as a source for various resources inspectors must access on occasion as they perform their work.  It is a recent development that MSHA has been posting propaganda on its intranet.

MSHA also maintains a public website where mine operators, miners and civilians can access a great deal of valuable information.  However, it does not (yet) post the rank propaganda that is now showing up on its private intranet.

A November 3, 2015 opinion piece found on the website was posted on the MSHA intranet entitled, “We’re Winning the War Against Coal” written by Michael Bloomberg and Michael Brune.  CNN, a liberal organization in its own right, at least had the decency to preface the article with a disclaimer that

”Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is the U.N. secretary general’s special envoy for climate change and cities and Michael Brune is executive director of the Sierra Club. The opinions expressed in this commentary are theirs”

No such disclaimer was found on the MSHA intranet as it reposted the opinion piece.  What makes this fantasy masquerading as fact so egregious is that it is our tax dollars which obviously finances MSHA and pays the salaries of MSHA personnel.   Obviously the message of the opinion is designed to inculcate anger if not rage against the very industry that the federal inspectors are charged with overseeing.

We begin dissecting this hit piece against one of the great energy sectors of our nation with the very title itself, “we are winning the war against coal”. These federal employees supposedly are the servants of “the people” and I don’t recall any citizen uprising demanding the government war against them.  Only in Obama-land does the government war against its own citizens and indispensable industries.

The propaganda begins with the issue that liberals think will sweep them to permanent power over our lives,

“Here’s some good news that many Americans may not realize: Domestically, we are winning the fight against the carbon pollution that drives climate change.  And by doing so, we are giving President Obama a strong hand to play when world leaders gather at the U.N.’s climate summit in Paris in five weeks to negotiate a global agreement to limit carbon emissions.”

Of course “carbon pollution”, is not pollution, carbon dioxide is the gas of life.  Without carbon dioxide there would be no life on the planet at all.  Liberals like to talk about man-made global warming as an established fact but saying it over and over again doesn’t make it so.  A corrupted “science” community making its grave pronouncements of doom as it feeds at the government trough of our tax dollars doesn’t make it so.  A corrupt education system designed to create liberal voters teaching young minds that man-kind, especially the United States, is destroying the planet doesn’t make it so.  The temperature of the world has remained unchanged for the past 17 years, yet the liberals are still stuck on stupid.

Poll after poll has shown that not only in the United States but worldwide, concern for global warming or its derivative “climate change” ranks near the bottom of concern for average citizens.  The boy simply cried wolf too many times.  Over the past three decades that the global warming scam has been afoot we have passed date after date that the purveyors of doom said we were to be destroyed or seriously affected by catastrophic changes in our environment.  The no more snows, the increased hurricane activities, the rising oceans creating millions of “climate refugees” just didn’t materialize.

“To understand how the White House finds itself in this position of strength, think back to 2010, when Congress failed to pass a cap-and-trade bill. That seemed to end any hopes of making major reductions in emissions and demonstrating American resolve to the global community. But in fact, even though the bill did not become law, the United States has already exceeded the carbon reduction goals it aimed to reach.


According to a study being released Wednesday by the Sierra Club and Bloomberg Philanthropies, 2015 U.S. economy-wide carbon emissions are even lower than they would have been had the bill passed. In fact, the United States can now say it has led the world in reducing carbon pollution over the last decade…

A primary driver is that over the past five years 130 coal-fired power plants have been retired and another 70 are preparing to retire over the next few years.”

So? If this is true, then why the mad rush to further degrade our nation’s electrical power supply and decimate coal producing states and regions?  Obama and his EPA have already done more than enough to seriously damage our energy supply and reliability, yet they want even more.  Developing countries, especially China are putting coal fired power plants on line as fast as they can build them, in China about one per week.  Obama puts our nation at risk while China forges ahead to meet the energy needs of its growing country with reliable coal.

“…the decline in coal use also stems in large measure from citizens demanding cleaner air and action on climate change. People across the country joined with the Sierra Club and many other organizations in standing up for their right to breathe clean air. Five years ago, coal pollution helped kill 13,000 Americans a year. Now, that number is down to 7,500.”

So where is this hue and cry from Americans demanding cleaner air and action on climate change?  Less than a fourth of Americans in a recent poll express significant concern for climate change.  On the world stage, a recent UN poll of citizens around the world found that concern for climate change ranked dead last on a list of 16 areas of concern.  Considering the all-out 24/7 propaganda blitz by the democrats and their media and the liberal education mills for the past 25 years or more, only reality has prevented a complete mental programming of Americans to accept this hoax.

The real truth is that American air quality has shown drastic improvement year and year for the past half century.  Depending on which “study” conducted by agenda driven “researchers” we consider, coal pollution kills between 13 to 30 thousand Americans per year.  Liberals claim that CO2 causes global warming which causes ozone smog which causes asthma which kills all of these Americans.  Yet ozone levels have continually declined over the past few decades while diagnosed asthma illnesses have increased.  There is no correlation between the two.  Might it be that Americans are unhealthier, fatter and less active than previous generations and these factors along with better diagnosis or expanded definition criteria have led to an “increase” Americans suffering and dying from asthma?

The EPA created a dire hazard from thin air (no pun intended) by claiming that Particulate Matter (soot) equal to or less than 2.5 microns or smaller (PM2.5) kills Americans “prematurely”.  Yet there is no proof for this.  Studies conducted at the University of North Carolina and Harvard refute this.  The EPA relied on the Harvard study in its pronouncement of doom, however, the data of the Harvard study itself indicated that there was no significant risk to the population for PM2.5.

The EPA claims that these premature deaths are caused by exposure to PM2.5 (most caused by burning coal of course) at concentrations beginning at 35µg/m3.  As you may recall, China had to temporarily shut down its local coal fired plants to clear the smog from the area of Shanghai for the Olympics it hosted.  The Chinese report that the PM levels typically of Shanghai is around 600µg/m3, yet the city enjoys an average life expectancy of 82.5 years, much higher than US cities.

Make no mistake, there is a war on coal.  It is being waged by those who would see the United States revert back to stone age living standards.  Our nation for decades has reduced all pollutants, our air and water gets cleaner by the day.  The issue isn’t science, the science truly is settled.  Puny humans do not alter the climate or weather.  The global warming or climate change movement is just that, a movement, a religion, a cult.  It’s all about politics and control.  It is the line between those of us who value liberty and prosperity on one side and an opponent on the other that craves control over our lives.

Advances in coal technology continues and it’s quite amazing.  According to the Institute for Energy Research

“One factor in improving air quality has been the pollution-control technologies used by coal-fired power plants. Today’s coal-fired electricity generating plants produce more power, with less emission of criteria pollutants, than ever before. According to the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), a new pulverized coal plant (operating at lower, “subcritical” temperatures and pressures) reduces the emission of NOx by 86 percent, SO2 by 98 percent, and particulate matter (PM) by 99.8 percent, as compared with a similar plant having no pollution controls. Undoubtedly, air quality will continue to improve in the future because of improved technology…

… Between 1970 and 2006, SO2 emissions in lbs per million Btu were reduced by almost 80 percent and NOx emissions in lbs per million Btu were reduced by over 70 percent. Between 1970 and 2006, total SO2 emissions were reduced by about 40 percent. Between 1980 and 2006, NOx emissions were reduced by almost 50 percent.”

Liberals are good at only two things, lying and hatching plans to destroy the United States.  The “war against coal” hit piece goes on to say

“Moreover, the phase-out of coal in the United States has only just begun. Our analysis of the new data shows that once all planned and targeted coal plant closings are factored in, the United States will exceed the Obama administration’s flagship pledge to cut electric sector carbon emissions — even if no other actions are taken — 32% by 2030.”

All at the expense of American industry and American lives.  New England over the past two years has forced the closing of several critical coal fired plants to rely on alternate power sources.  Supposedly when crunch time comes, whether a hot or cold spell, it intends to buy electric power from Canada which itself already is plagued with black and brown outs due to its own precarious ability to meet its own needs.

When MSHA republished this hit piece it attacks the Republican party, the party that overwhelmingly won the last election and controls congress.

“There will always be U.S. elected officials who seek to protect special interests, but they are fighting an irreversible trend, and they should be focused on helping workers from the coal industry find new opportunities.”

Apparently, MSHA leadership is attempting to encourage its rank and file inspectors to focus on helping coal mine workers to “find new opportunities” by putting their coal mines out of operation.  Americans expect law enforcement to be fair and impartial and not be motivated by a leftist agenda to destroy their livelihood and put them on the unemployment line.  Furthermore, its rather surprising that a federal agency that is budgeted by congress, would attack and insult the party that controls congress and the agency’s budget.

Robert H. Jackson, FDR’s Attorney General at the time in a speech to federal prosecutors on April 1, 1940, made a very powerful observation and warning that is very appropriate to the subject of this essay.  While he is specifically speaking to federal prosecutors, the concerns and principles apply to all government law enforcement including those that enforce our nation’s mining laws.  Substitute MSHA mine inspector for “prosecutor” and I think the point will be made very clear

“If the prosecutor is obliged to choose his cases, it follows that he can choose his defendants.  Therein is the most dangerous power of the prosecutor:  that he will pick people that he thinks he should get, rather than pick cases that need to be prosecuted.  With the law books filled with a great assortment of crimes, a prosecutor stands a fair chance of finding at least a technical violation of some act on the part of almost anyone.  In such a case, it is not a question of discovering the commission of a crime and then looking for the man who has committed it, it is a question of picking the man and then searching the law books, or putting investigators to work, to pin some offense on him.


It is in this realm—in which the prosecutor picks some person whom he dislikes or desires to embarrass, or selects some group of unpopular persons and then looks for an offense, that the greatest danger of abuse of prosecuting power lies.  It is here that law enforcement becomes personal, and the real crime becomes that of being unpopular with the predominant or governing group, being attached to the wrong political views, or being personally obnoxious to or in the way of the prosecutor himself.”

It’s obvious that Obama and all liberals hate coal, heck they hate just about everything, especially anything pro-American or pro-civilization.  This hit piece on American energy and coal has no place on a government intranet designed only for its federal mining law enforcers to read and be motivated by.  One can only assume it was the upper political echelon of the federal agency that was brazen enough to post this sort of propaganda.  There is a war for the heart, soul and survival of this nation.  We are in an era where the government itself is at war with the nation’s own citizens.